Freelancing India -Know how indian freelancers become Rich overnight..Earning 30k-60k per week

State of the Freelance Community

Freelancing is not just a Indian phenomenon, but is now spreading around the world
So if you're One of those who love freedom with work, you may be intrigued in these freelancing web sites to join and take an initial step becoming a freelancer.
Now going to the topic, Become a freelancer not an easy way to do, there are lots of things you want to consider before start freelancing.

63% of all workers in the India surveyed said they would do work on the side if it came to them to earn extra money.
There are 5 primary segments for Freelancing.

  • These include independent contractors (40% of freelancers)
  • moonlighters (27%), diversified workers (18%)
  • temporary workers (10%)
     ⦿ freelance business owners (5%).

According to Indian Freelanncers survey it showed:-

The majority of freelancers are women (36.1%) while men comprise 28.9%.

2% of respondents were 60 or older, and 12% were in either their teens or 20s.
 The largest represented group in the survey was the 21 - 39 segment (26%).
closely followed by freelancers in their 40s (25%) and 50s (25%).
56% of freelancers fall into the $20 - $59 per-hour range.

Writers on average get $58 - $82 per blog post written.

Designers on average get $52 - $90 per-hour range.

Programmers on average get $63 - $180 per-hour range.
Looking for freelance projects?
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Freelance Websites:


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